Yes, that definitely matters. Applying only one gas spring is cheaper, but this can have its drawbacks. If you choose one gas strut instead of two, then this gas spring will basically need to be twice as strong. Usually our Calculation tool (which will calculate what kind of gas springs you need) will also choose a slightly more robust gas strut if you indicate that you want only one gas spring. There will need to be more force in just one gas spring. We recommend that you use two gas springs and mount them on both sides of the cover. The forces will then be distributed evenly across the cover or the hatch. This results in everything remaining straight and true. If you do choose one gas spring, we recommend you mount it in the middle of the cover, if you mount the gas strut on one side of the cover, most of the load will transfer to the opposite side, which will cause it to slant and twist or remain open and not close properly. With our Calculation tool you can easily see what the difference is if you indicate whether you are looking for one or two gas springs. We recommend that you use this Calculation tool in determining the gas spring or gas springs that you are looking for, because it takes into account many different forces at play. The strength of the cover and your hinges are obviously not included in the calculation because they are unknown to us.